And they said, “The man asked us straightforward questions about ourselves and our relatives. He said, ‘Is your father still alive? Have you another brother?’ And we answered him accordingly. How could we possibly know that he would say, ‘Bring your brother down [here to Egypt]’?” (Genesis 43:7 AMP)
Asked and Answered
God sometimes answers our prayers by giving us what we would have asked for had we known what He knows. (J.D. Greear) As a teenager, there were times my parents would ask me questions about my whereabouts and my doings. I always felt like they already knew the answers to the questions but wanted to see what I would say. It was my chance to come clean. LOL! As an adult, I understand this kind of questioning as an opportunity for people to see themselves at the moment. To not only get to what is the truth but also what their truth is. These revelations are not always the same. In today’s scripture, Jacob is upset with his older sons because they revealed the existence of their younger brother to the Egyptian leader. The sons responded, “How could we possibly know that he would say, ‘Bring your brother down [here to Egypt]’?” The Egyptian leader was their brother Joseph, but none of them knew. Do you realize that when God asks you questions, He already knows the answers? The objective of the inquiry is to help you do some self-inventory and get insight about yourself and your situation. See, the practice of awareness helps us to monitor our mindsets and make more informed decisions about life. Also, to get to your truth, you are going to have to ask and answer hard questions. Why do you do what you do? What will you need to change to get to a better outcome? How does God see me? How do I see myself? There is more to you than what you have already experienced, but you must do the necessary work to uncover it. You will know you have passed life’s tests when asked any question, you always answer truthfully. There is always freedom in the truth!
Until next time... Be empowered!
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